Welcome Back to TFM...

Guess who’s back, back again?

TFM is back, tell a friend. We’ve created a monster, because TFM is gathering pace, and we have no intention of slowing it down.

But just to give y’all a refresh, who are we?

TFM is a completely FREE magazine servicing our local communities. Our mission is to highlight local events, businesses, and initiatives while providing a platform for us all to interact via social media.

Our mission is to forge genuine connections between businesses and customers, events and attendees, and above all, people with people. In a saturated world of noise, TFM rises above the fray.

While many claim to be different, we’re not merely another cliché. Unlike others who adhere to the same tired routine, TFM pushes boundaries for more, better, and different.

With these three words driving our vision, we’re committed to delivering something authentically unique.

In this edition, we look at what the Nantwich Market, Cheshire Carriages and how the cogs turn at Ollie’s Bikes. And as always, we’re spotlighting some standout local businesses who are doing some extraordinary things for our community.

We hope you enjoy it!

Read the full digital version below.
* Be sure to hit the full screen button in the bottom right corner for the full experience)


1:0 Edition